Let's check in with where our hero, Kibble Kat, is.
Knowing that his days on earth were numbered, Kibble Hat constructed an escape balloon capable of travel in deep space. He painted it the brightest colors that he could to suit his personality and moods, then tucked it away cleverly in his carrier so Mommie and Daddie wouldn't find it when they took him to the vet for his appointed encounter with Dr. Death.
Mommy sadly carried Kibble Kat in his carrier out to a waiting taxi, then traveled the short distance to the vet's office. All the time Kibble Kat furiously performed a last minute check on all the valves and rigging of his Escape Balloon. He knew he had only one chance to get away before he was hooked up for the Big Sleep from which little cats never come back. That was not his idea of fun. He had places to go, planets to conquer, alternative realities to explore.
Mommy deposited the carrier in the waiting room once she arrived at the vet's office and went out to reception to pay the bill. At that very moment, Kibble Kat lightly tapped the balloon release but with his paw. Psssoosssh! The balloon slowly expanded outwards against the walls of the carrier until the flimsy plastic gave way. Suddenly the tiny little waiting room could no longer contain the rushing outward expansion of the balloon and within moments, Kibble Kat, perched safely in the gondola, was looking down at the quickly shrinking roof of Dr. Death's uptown office complex. The balloon rose steadily through the cold ,gray overcast Minneapolis sky.
And our hero never looked back. He was free.
Now let's get one thing straight before we go any further with our story. Kibble Kat is not on his way to becoming one of those so called Angel Animals that you read about in magazines and books. Yuk! In the immortal words of Kibble Kat's occasional pal-about-town, Lil' David, the stuffed mouse.
"Screw that shit."
Nosireebob. Kibble Kat is not, was not, will not ever be an angel. And, if you think this blog has anything to do with that dreck, well, maybe it's time to check your Face Book status, or in other words, take a powder.
But let's get on with our story. Kibble Kat's balloon is soon far away from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Far, far away. Drifting into the vast emptiness of space. Well, not quite empty. As becomes apparent when Kibble Kat has to jump on the controls to avoid colliding with an increasing amount of space debris. Old telecommunications satellites, garbage from the several generations of Space Stations, you name it. Hey, space, the next generation for the trash men of Earth.
Then, suddenly, Kibble Kat sees a huge glittering contraption gyrating around one corner of space, a metallic four leaf clover of sorts. If you recall, that's when Kibble Kat discovers that there is no cat food in the heavens. After a fairly disappointing morning, rebuffed as he was by the space station crew, Kibble Kat continued his journey.
A few hours later, he spied a strange shape out the corner of one eye. No, it couldn't be. No way. Kibble Kat rubbed his eyes in disbelief. It was ---a ------- , well, let's put it this way, a rather scraggly alley cat of sorts, leaping through space just as handily as if it was jumping fences in the neighborhood.
"Meow." Kibble Kat replied, tail fur bristling in apprehension.
And more tomorrow or whenever in the continuing adventures of Kibble Kat, not to to confused with Angel Cat, which we sort of thing is the blog down the block about the Puerto Rican short hair.
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