Airborne Kibble

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Whereupon Kibble Kat Encounters Cupcake the All Knowing

Brave reader, please do not presume that you are for an instant looking at an image of our feline hero, Kibble Kat, on his journey towards Paradise.

There are thousands, nay millions of orbiting cats, Saturn-bound pussies, planet-hopping felines and kindred spirits in space.  This has been confirmed numerous times in therapy sessions.

No sane cosmonaut or astronaut , just scooped out of the ocean or the rolling plains of the Ukraine,as it were, would ever come out in an official space agency debriefing with the the news that he had only the day before encountered a free floating tabby somewhere up there in the void 500,000 miles from Planet    
  Earth. That is, and not expect to be laughed out of either the cosmodrome or, albeit the case, the NASA country club.

So the beans get spilled in those private moments when the returned traveler straps himself into the therapy couch, finally able to talk freely about what did happen in space.  Typically, the psychiatrist will, upon hearing these tales of orbiting tails, begin to rummage through some mental list of pharmaceuticals for just the right drug to retro-fire the patient out of this drift into perceived madness.  After a couple of months on anti-psychotics, the daunted space traveler will drop his repressed memories and take the more sensible route of writing children s' books replete with hearty cosmo-cats and alien, shape changing mice. 

So, given this background, dear reader, you should hardly be amazed that our very own Kibble Kat, journeying through the recesses of empty space in his brightly colored escape balloon, should encounter one of these gravity defying kitties, a creature we shall come to know as Cupcake the All-Knowing.  In fact, it is Cupcake the All Knowing whose image we espied above -- a most extraordinary tabby who will play an important part in the future adventures of Kibble Kat. 

But we must leave that for another posting.

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